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Blogger, are You Experienced? June 21, 2007

Posted by caveblogem in blogging, blogs, Blogs and Blogging, memes, Other, statistical analysis, tagging, web 2.0.

Last week I began a statistical examination of blogger responses to the lengthy meme “150 Things,” which is a long list of experiences that bloggers have been tagging each other with for at least a year or so. (If you came here because of a trackback, I included your blog in the statistical sample). Those tagged copy the list and reproduce it on their blog, with their experiences/accomplishments in bold type.  Response percentages (from a sample of 222 blogs) may be found in a summary report here. They are probably more interesting to look at in that form.  But if you want, I could put together some bar charts from the data.  Let me know. 

The percentages are pretty easy to use, I think.  Just look at a question, like #7, for example.  Sixty-three (63) percent of the bloggers sampled have taken a candlelit bath with someone.  If you have not, that makes you a loser :).  Or take question #40.  Only one percent of the bloggers sampled have been to all 50 states.  If you have, that’s an extraordinary accomplishment.  If you have not, well, almost nobody else has.  Don’t let it get to you.  Some of them are a little boring anyway, I suspect. 

For those who prefer this stuff in narrative form, I must point out that this was a pretty eclectic group of questions.  At any rate, most (more than half of the sample plus a percentage to account for sampling error) of the bloggers who took the time to bold the tasks that they had accomplished are not the sedentary creatures portrayed in the mainstream media.  Although most have lounged around in bed all day at least once (59), they obviously don’t make a lifestyle out of it.  They just don’t have the time.

They are social.  Most have formed friendships with people they admire (42).  Sure, they have had their share of skirmishes with their buddies, involving food (27) or frozen water (30), but they are supportive when it counts (41).  Most have an impulsive (88), romantic streak (7, 49, 62, 83) and have professed their love to significant others (8).  Despite their geeky reputations some have broken hearts along the way (110).  But they have also experienced love without getting their hearts broken (68) and ended up getting married (72) and having children (or at least changing them—20).

They may have an undeserved reputation for geekiness.  Most have never played D&D for more than six hours (71) or written their own computer language (140), although most have at some point alphabetized their CDs (56).  These people have used firearms (116), most of them, and ridden a horse (118), perhaps at the same time.  They are not to be trifled with—most of them have eaten raw fish.  It takes guts.  I remember. 

Perhaps they are not extroverts, but they have, possibly via liquid fortification (23), cut loose a little (36, 58, 102, 146).Most have gone to drive-in theaters (65), ridden roller coasters (34, perhaps where they screamed as loud as they could–31), attended huge sporting events (15) and stayed up late enough to watch the sun rise (13).
Most have not traveled extensively, although most took a road trip at some point in time and have toured ancient sites, whatever those are (47, 69).

They are effective communicators, although not necessarily with words (138).  Most say they have changed peoples minds (129).  If they are not perfectly happy, this group has known happiness (38).

They are a do-it-yourself group.  They make their own food, from scratch, if necessary, watching it grow from seeds, perhaps, into sugar cane, corn, wheat, etc., grinding the grain, smooshing the corn to make oil, and turning the finished bounty into cookies (17, 77).

This is the first of a small series of posts on this particular meme.  If your blog didn’t get a trackback from this yet, and you would like to be included, just comment, link to this post (from your 150 things post, if possible), or wave your arms or something—I’d be happy to put you in.  And if anybody has suggestions for other memes that might be in interesting study, do please let me know.  I’m thinking about doing one of the book memes rattling around, since the format is similar.

The blogs sampled for this particular study are listed below, with links (many didn’t have actual titles, particularly the ones from MySpace, so I am listing them with only their ID numbers.)

001, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 027, 030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, 049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, 060, 062, 063, 064, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 076, 077, 078, 079, 080, 081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, and 222.


1. strugglingwriter - June 21, 2007

Very interesting, especially the report. I was drawn in just after the first page and will have to take the time to read the entire thing. Nice work!

2. Frankie - June 21, 2007

Now thats interesting. I didn’t even know I was apart of a study group. Glad I could help. Now get the next one rolling. :)

3. caveblogem - June 21, 2007

strugglingwriter, Thanks! You should post your 150 things. I haven’t added all of the data yet, but it seems certain that men are woefully underrepresented in the sample. Not sure why; I thought that the blog-o-sphere was about 50-50.

Frankie, Thank you! One of the interesting things about the study, I think. It is like doing a survey, but after-the-fact, while participants don’t even realize they are filling it out.

4. mercurial scribe - June 21, 2007

Quite fascinating. I must admit I’m a bit stunned to find myself in this group. Thank you for including me!

5. joebec - June 21, 2007

i didn’t know i was part of a study group either! thanks for including, i invite you to hang around and read some of my other stuff!

6. delite - June 22, 2007

Very interesting read indeed, wish I had know it was for a purpose prior to marking as spam :D

7. Nannette in Fantasticland - June 22, 2007

This is an awesome study. Fascinating implications, if you think about it. I’d be interested to see the results of the books meme, too.

Do people whoo did the 150 things meme do other meses? Maybe you could do a study of how many memes people do and which ones they choose…! Just kidding. That sounds like tedious work

Thansk for posting this one, though. Very cool!

8. Teena in Toronto - June 23, 2007

Interesting that you took the time to pull this info together (I’m #11!). I wish I had that kind of time :)

Must go study for my marketing research exam on Monday!

9. JHS,Esq. - June 23, 2007

Well, that was very interesting reading! I’m impressed by your ability to pull together the data and present it in such an intriguing, synthesized way, not to mention that you found the time! Thanks for including my site.

10. caveblogem - June 23, 2007

Jobec and Delite, you’re welcome, and thanks, respectively.

Nanette in Fantasticland, thanks for your kind comments. I am interested in tracing the propogation of these things through the blog-o-sphere. It certainly presents some interesting technical challenges. Some of the work is a little tedious, but the tedium seems to be worth it for the interesting parts, like automating the processing of the data (which I may do a post on at some point). I have already started on the book meme (100 books) and can pull all the relevant data from a blog in about 35 seconds (if the intertubes are flowing freely). There are only a few things that I haven’t figured out how to automate at this point:

1) Pulling data on location, gender, etc. Many people want to hide this data and don’t put it anywhere it is easily obtainable.
2) Fixing problems with the data. The trigger for a positive response to the 150 things meme is a bolded number. So if people only bold the text part I have to intervene. I may be able to fix this. Some people omit questions (which may be a good thing, eventually, because it allows you to trace these things as they are propogated. Somewhere along the way with the 150 things meme somebody omitted #99, and almost everyone tagged thereafter simply copied the omission. And some people added some more questions at the end.)
3) Letting people know that they were part of the study. I tried this time to do this through trackbacks, but most were treated as spam and never made it to the intended reciepients. Oh, well. I depend on these spam filters too.

So, yes, Teena in Toronto, it is pretty time consuming, but not as much as it could be. And I’m learning a lot about manipulating data. The one thing that many Statistics classes don’t teach you (except subliminally, through the homework and project assignments) is that, like painting, the work is 90% preparation. Learn how to manipulate weird kinds of data, and you can take on more and more interesting projects.

11. Mrs. Who - June 23, 2007

I didn’t know memes were cause for a cultural case study. Might affect how I answer them in the future, lol!

Anyway, that was a very interesting analysis. Thank you for including mine.

Now, I’m off to see which # I am…I have to write about this experience of course! ;)

12. Travis - June 23, 2007

Fascinating. Did you do this study for a class?

There’s a mental image non-bloggers seem to have about bloggers. This meme and your study actually go a long way to refuting many of the stereotypes.

Bloggers are really just like anyone else. We just seem to have a need to connect with others through words, and share with others in our community.

Thanks for including my meme in your study.

13. House of Zathras » Blog Archive » Reason #1,356 not to meme - June 23, 2007

[…] might become part of a cultural case study.  ‘Caveblogem’ seems to make an analysis of words, their uses, and the use thereof in […]

14. Miss - June 23, 2007

Wow, I am glad I could be studied… thanks!

This was very interesting!!

15. Tug - June 23, 2007

This is pretty cool, thanks for including me & taking the time to let me know!

16. muse - June 23, 2007

I had forgotten all about it.
Did you make it up?

Sorry, there are some mistakes…

17. Joe the Troll - June 24, 2007

I also had to go searching for that meme – I did it seven months ago! Very interesting idea and report.

18. Debbie Mumford - June 24, 2007

How fascinating! Thanks for letting me know I was part of a statistical sample … another item to add to my list of things I’ve done *lol*

19. Cindi - June 24, 2007

Number 157 here. Very interesting and it was quite a surprise to find myself included in your study. I did this meme last December so I was surprised to open up my email today and find your comment on that old post (re. your study). I like doing memes and enjoy reading other people’s. I see a couple of my blog buddies on your list too… Dazd (156) and Mrs Who (159). Hey there! I recognized several other blogs on the list too.

20. Julia Scissor - June 25, 2007

Thanks for including my blog in the study!

21. curly su - June 25, 2007

thanks for letting me know i was included. very interesting…

22. little house on wheels - June 25, 2007

I did not know I was a part of a study group. This is very interesting. Thanks for including me and letting me know about this.

23. Pandy - June 26, 2007

Thanks! Glad I didn’t take down my old archives when I did my last redesign!

24. Beerli - June 26, 2007

I appreciate the fact you let me know my blog had been included in this. It’s a pretty comprehensive and impressive study. Thank you.

25. Jennifer D - June 26, 2007

Very cool and very interesting. Thank you for letting me know I was a little part of this!

26. selacarsen - June 26, 2007

Blog 119 here — what a great statistical analysis. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your conclusions. Thanks for adding me!

27. Dayngr - June 27, 2007
28. zandperl - June 29, 2007

I’m number 180 (and interestingly there’s no 181 – I seem good at noticing missing things). Regarding gender of bloggers, you mention that more women filled out the meme than men. Where did you get the gender information from? And what makes you say that the blogosphere is 50/50? From my personal experiences I would say you’re right on both counts – that there are as many female-identifying bloggers as male-identifying bloggers that I have seen, and that more female-identifying bloggers do memes – but who knows how accurate my own experiences are, and who even knows how many people’s internet personas have the same genders as their real life genders!

29. thepearlady - June 29, 2007

It’s been fascinating to see the cumilative results from various people of this one meme. Thanks for including my meme results in this study – a pleasant surprise. :D

30. thepearlady - June 29, 2007

PS. pardon my spelling error on my above comment, of which I noticed after the button was clicked. *practices* cumulative, cumulative, cumulative. :)

31. Paulette - December 22, 2012

I think that everything typed made a ton of sense.
But, think about this, what if you added a little content?
I am not suggesting your content isn’t good., but what if you added something that grabbed folk’s attention?
I mean Blogger, are You Experienced? « Pretty Good
on Paper is kinda boring. You should glance at Yahoo’s home page and watch how they create article headlines to grab people interested. You might try adding a video or a picture or two to get readers excited about what you’ve got to
say. Just my opinion, it would make your blog a little livelier.

32. Payday Loans - July 13, 2013

When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get three e-mails with
the same comment. Is there any way you can remove
me from that service? Thank you!

33. Debt harassment - August 28, 2013

I am wondering which blogging and site-building platform you might be using?
I’m new to blogging and have been thinking about using the Vox platform.
Do you think this is a good platform to start with? I would be really grateful
if I could ask you some questions through e-mail so I can learn
a bit more prior to getting started. When you have some free time, please be sure to
get in touch with me at: reynaldokeller@gmail.com. Kudos

34. AFNI, Inc - December 18, 2013

It’s a pretty comprehensive and impressive study

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